International Human Rights
Professor. Benjamin
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking has become modern day slavery. Across the world we have same an astonishing number of victim suffering from this horrible cause. So exactly what is Human trafficking? Human trafficking is cutting edge servitude and includes the utilization of drive, misrepresentation, or pressure to get some sort of work or business sex act. Consistently, a great deal of men, ladies, and kids are trafficked in nations around the globe, including the United States. It is evaluated that human trafficking creates a huge number of dollars of benefit every year, second just to sedate trafficking as the most gainful type of transnational wrongdoing. Human trafficking is a concealed wrongdoing as casualties once in awhile approached to look for help due to dialect obstructions, dread of the traffickers, or potentially dread of law requirement. Traffickers utilize drive, misrepresentation, or compulsion to bait their casualties and compel them in the process of childbirth or business sexual misuse. They search for individuals who are defenseless for an assortment of reasons, including mental or enthusiastic weakness, monetary hardship, absence of a social wellbeing net, catastrophic events, or political shakiness. The injury brought about by the traffickers can be great to the point that many may not distinguish themselves as casualties or request help, even in exceedingly open settings.There was a point in time that slavery once pledged most countries on earth. Countries were buying and selling other human beings and using them for labor, some used them solely to have sex and make babies and other used slaves just to do work that they wouldn't do. Currently now slavery is still going on in certain countries, on a more illegal scale. There was a point where it was legal and apart of everyday life in most countries. My essay is going to talk about an issue going on in the world that I believe is similar to slavery and that's human trafficking. The distribution of humans around the world is an international Humanitarian crime that is going and is globally not being paid enough attention to. These people, particularly women are drugged, beaten and sold for sex. These women are in these drug trafficking rings for years, their lives don't belong to themselves, they have a trafficking kingpin or commonly known as a pimp that basically controls everything they do. My question is, In what way do countries try to stop International Human Trafficking from going on? Most recently there was a case in Florida where a man has been accused of luring in victims from across the United Stated to come to Florida. …show more content…
with a promise of a job, but been manipulating them to human trafficking. “Alexander Brown, 33, is jailed without bond on a charge of human trafficking of a minor for commercial sexual purposes. His other charges are lewd and lascivious battery on a child aged 12 to 16; deriving support from the proceeds of prostitution (being a pimp); custodial interference; and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.” Alexander is a pimp who finds ways of convincing young girls to “work” for him. When they get there for work they are being used for sex in exchange for money. He also used other woman that were under him into forcing other woman to work for him. Pimps
In America, there has been increasing awareness to Human Trafficking. So much so that America Organizations nationwide are building shelters and giving out services to combat the effects Human Trafficking has on women. The United States department of Health and Human Services developed a nationwide that has gotten a lot of success “, The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is responsible for certifying victims of human trafficking once they are identified. This certification allows victims to receive Federally funded benefits and services to the same extent as refugees. HHS also raises awareness of human trafficking through its campaign to Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking.” America as a country has made a concerted effort to make organizations that can be a refuge to women who have been affected by human trafficking. It's About helping them get out and it's about restoring them back into society. The crime fighting part of it in