America was big time affected socially, exspcially for women.Women were treated very unequally in comparison to men. Some say women were seen as the "paragon of moral virtue." They were show to be very weak socially, and they don't deserve equal rights. Abolition was constantly changing people thoughts, views,and opinions on slaves.Aboltion fought for the social status that slavery was wrong and was supported by former black slaves who wanted to make a change for the better. In temperance socially it was a lifestyle to always drink, until then new social views started advocating for a total abstinence. Educationally it was becoming socially acceptable to be going t school for free, and no religious values …show more content…
The 19th Century reform movements ties into all the movements we have going on today.For example The anti bullying movement, The civil rights movement, or even the human rights movements.These modern day reforms are doing just the same as the 19th century ones, trying to get there point across to form new beliefs and ways for