In the 1960’s Dr. King lead a movement throughout the south centered on non-violent civil disobedience. It was the means to force those in power to negotiate in good faith with those in the Negro Community who were being treated badly. According to Dr. King, it was the only way as “the …show more content…
In fact we see examples of this around us all the time. The modern day Tea Party protests were organized to bring to light excessive taxes and wastefully government spending. The Occupy Wall street movement protested social and economic inequalities in corporate America. The Black Lives Matter movement protested modern civil rights violations in America. All of these movements brought about change in one form or another. These groups knew they needed to take action, that just petitioning for change would not work. Just as Dr. King stated in a letter from the Birmingham Jail, “freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.”, these groups demanded changes through