How Has Technology Changed Over Time

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A lot has changed over the years, and technology has a big role in how it has. We’ve went from wall phones, to flip phones, and now to Iphones! Communicating wasn’t always easy, some people had to write letters, send it, wait for it to get there, then wait until you got a letter back! We also have so many apps on our phones now, and they have a way you can communicate with other people. Now a days communicating is pretty easy for us, I don’t think anyone in this generation could survive back then!

Back then washing clothes wasn’t the easiest task to do either. At a time, people would go down to a stream and wash the clothes. Then, they would hand them up by clothes pins outside to dry. I say we got it pretty easy now. All we have to is put our dirty clothes in the washer, and when they’re done we just throw them in the dryer! We put our clothes in our laundry basket, and then hang them up, and we still complain!
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People would have a rag, some soap, and water to wash their dishes. Then they would dry all of those dishes with a towel, and put them up. What we do with our dishes is kinda similar, kinda not. All we have to is rinse off the dirty dishes, and then put them in the dishwasher. Then, they’re done! After that we just have to put then

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