How Does Shakespeare Present Polonius In Hamlet

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Polonius is an advisor to the King Claudius and wants to stay in power and in order to stay there he advises the king of what is goes on in the court. Polonius is the father of Laertes and Ophelia and he shows care for them. Polonius cares for Ophelia as he doesn’t want Ophelia to get hurt by Hamlet and he gives advice and gives his blessings to Laertes before he leaves to France. Polonius can be considered to be conniving, obsequious and superficial. Polonius time of being conniving will come to an end at a later point. Polonius is a obsequious person and he makes a plan with Claudius to spy on Hamlet. “Come, go with me. I will go seek the king” is what Polonius does every time he has information to pass to the King. Polonius not only tells …show more content…
Polonius talks a lot and he becomes a consultant and a tittle-tattle in the court, and he becomes much of a consultant and he advises his son Laertes to “Beware of entrance to a quarrel, but being in,/Bear it that th’ opposed] beware of thee” (I.iii.71-73) which means to stay out of trouble but if you find yourself in trouble figure it out. Polonius can be referred as a fool because although King Claudius and Gertrude take him seriously, Hamlet takes him as a fool and refers to him as a fishmonger. Polonius knows Hamlet doesn’t take him seriously “...running it thus, you’ll tender me a fool” …show more content…
Polonius keeps a much closer eye on Hamlet ever since Ophelia said that Hamlet was crazy and was acting strange. “I’ll loose my daughter to him/ Be you and I behind an arras then (II.ii.176). as he warns Gertrude about Hamlet acting crazy and he won’t allow Hamlet to treat his daughter bad. Polonius as always conceived his way into Hamlet way as he tried to spy on Hamlet once again as he hid behind the arras and tried to spy on Hamlet as Hamlet was arguing with Gertrude “Let his queen-mother all alone entreat him;/And I’ll be placed, so please you, in the ear/Of all their conference” (III.ii.196-199). and because he wasn’t quiet Hamlet got his sword and stabbed him through the arras like a rat “How now, a rat? Dead for a ducat, dead”

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