How Does Shakespeare Create Tension In Romeo And Juliet Fight Scene

Decent Essays
Romeo and Juliet
By Shake and Stir Theatre company

In the play Romeo and Juliet, the scene where there was tension of unexpected surprise was in the fight scene when Tybalt and Mercutio both are killed. J.P. Vizcay-Wilson who played Tybalt, Johnny Balbuziente who played Romeo and Amelia Douglass who played Juliet all used movement to create this tension. The actors used different body language to create and emphasise the unexpected surprise with the use of fast, heavy and slashing movements of their arms and hands. The actors’ facial expressions created tension by including frowning coupled with anger and sadness. It was evident in this scene of the play when Mercutio forged towards Tybalt who expressed pain through frowning compared to Mercutio
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This emotional scene continues when Juliet wakes up as she has taken a potion only to be confronted with the realisation that her true love has killed himself. The mood that is represented in this scene is sadness. The music to set this mood was slow paced and low volume and the lighting was dark which enhanced the emotion of sadness. When Romeo entered the room where Juliet was lying his body was slumped over and his facial expressions were vivid to highlight to the audience that he was overwhelmed by shock and sadness. As Romeo moved slowly towards Juliet, the audience was positioned to feel Romeo’s sadness as they were when Romeo drank the poison and lay next to Juliet where he died. This closeness of special relationship not only added to the undying love that Romeo and Juliet had for each other, it also created the mood of sadness. Furthermore, sadness was created when Juliet woke up and found Romeo dead beside her as the audience realised the tragedy. Juliet’s crying speech was very emotional as sadness not only overcame her but also overcame the audience. Through the use of voice, movement, space and theatrical techniques, the strong dramatic mood of sadness was

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