Napoleon used fear to control the animals on the Animal Farm. In chapter 7, it said “the dogs promptly tore [the pig’s] throats out, and in a terrible voice Napoleon demanded whether any other animal had anything to confess.” This quote shows how Napoleon uses fear, because seeing the death of other animals that have rebelled makes the animals not want to rebel against Napoleon. Throughout Animal Farm, Napoleon says “Mr. Jones is coming back.” Napoleon is showing the animals that their life would suck if Napoleon was not the leader, therefore showing fear. Later, in chapter 10, Orwell described how “[Napoleon] carried a whip in his trotter.” Carrying the whip, shows that he is trying to look menacing, so the animals don't want
Napoleon used fear to control the animals on the Animal Farm. In chapter 7, it said “the dogs promptly tore [the pig’s] throats out, and in a terrible voice Napoleon demanded whether any other animal had anything to confess.” This quote shows how Napoleon uses fear, because seeing the death of other animals that have rebelled makes the animals not want to rebel against Napoleon. Throughout Animal Farm, Napoleon says “Mr. Jones is coming back.” Napoleon is showing the animals that their life would suck if Napoleon was not the leader, therefore showing fear. Later, in chapter 10, Orwell described how “[Napoleon] carried a whip in his trotter.” Carrying the whip, shows that he is trying to look menacing, so the animals don't want