Further on Montag deals with multiple inner conflicts that makes him always second guess. Montag comes to realize that he is changing and is willing to accept change. In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury writes, “And one day he would look back upon the fool and know the fool. Even now he could feel the start of the long journey, the leaver-taking the goin-away from the self he had been.” (103) This illuminates the idea of Montag changing and is coming to terms of who he was and who he is going to be. He now knows who he is and is ready to take on the task of learning about how he fits into the
Further on Montag deals with multiple inner conflicts that makes him always second guess. Montag comes to realize that he is changing and is willing to accept change. In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury writes, “And one day he would look back upon the fool and know the fool. Even now he could feel the start of the long journey, the leaver-taking the goin-away from the self he had been.” (103) This illuminates the idea of Montag changing and is coming to terms of who he was and who he is going to be. He now knows who he is and is ready to take on the task of learning about how he fits into the