How Did Romeo And Juliet Follow During The Elizabethan Era

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During the Elizabethan Era, men and women were to follow very strict rules and traditions. In the book “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet follow as well as contradict some of these rules and traditions.
One of the important rules and traditions that were to be followed were obedience. Kids would have to be respectful and polite to their parents. Girl’s would have to be polite to their mothers and fathers especially. In “Romeo and Juliet”, Juliet answers her mother by saying “Madam I am here, What is your will?”. (Act 1, Scene 3) When Juliet is called by her mother this is her answer, she does not show an utter of disrespect.
An example of obedience is wive’s would have to support their husband’s decisions. Wive’s

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