How Did Hitler Cause Ww2

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Hitler is the one major reason of World War 2 and without a crucial doubt he single handedly caused the worst war to mankind. He made a legacy for himself and while not able to fend for himself he bit off more than he could chew. As Hitler’s popularity slowly rose during the late 1920’s he would gain the ability to lead a group of powerful generals and leaders. With such power that Hitler gained and used to grow he was well respected among many world leaders at the time. With the fact of this it gave Hitler the ability to become in charge of the country, but now he is considered evil for killing eleven million people while Stalin killed fifty-three million of his own people. Besides this small indifference Hitler was much more significant …show more content…
Throughout the nineteen-thirties Jewish families were hated, frowned upon, hated, and murdered for the fact that Hitler put a price on their head as worthless and unwanted within German culture and Germany in general. The Night of Broken Glass was the start of the hatred Hitler brought between religions mainly attacking people of the Jewish religion where in the time span of two days in the time span of less than twelve hours seven thousand Jewish owned buildings were destroyed. The Night of Broken Glass influenced mass murder, arson, looting, and state terrorism towards the Jews. More than ninety people died the night of November 9, 1938 and more than thirty thousand Jewish men were arrested and were taken to Jewish camps. German Nationalism was a big reason for Hitler’s rise due to the fact that it convinced that Jews were the enemy of the country and that the only way to purify it would be to exterminate them once and for all even if that meant killing men, women, and children that were following the Jewish religion. Nationalism is what killed thousands of people in Germany through the timespan of Hitler’s leadership people were murdered just to meet Hitler’s standards of a pure and perfect country. Hitler sparked the Nationalism with his speeches stating that the only way to make the country as great as it was is to get rid of everyone that’s Jewish, everyone that doesn’t believe in the supremacy of the German people, people aren’t for the change of germany and people who don’t support Hitler would either be forced to leave the country or would be hated upon everyday by people that’s just like them but more supportive to the soon to rise dictator. Hitler rose in power because of a belief he put into people’s minds saying that they are the perfect race and that any other race, religion, and non-believer needs to be gotten rid

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