Cab Calloway was a very talented singer, talented actor, and energetic showman. He was born on December 25th, 1907 in Rochester , New York. Calloway was raised in Baltimore, Maryland, with his middle class family.Cab did attend to Law School because his father wanted him to peruse the same career as him but sadly he still wanted to go after his dream of being a singer. …show more content…
He came out in many films, full lengths movies, and plays. One of his first movies was called the “ The Singing Kid” which was a portrayal of African Americans. Another movie he acted on was “ Stormy Weather” with an all black cast. Some of the movies and Broadway's shows he was casted on is an example how many African American showed their heritage. Once the 1940s hit, Cab did poorly decisions with his money and how he treated his career. He was addicted to gambling and his band later had to break apart due to his bad decisions. Years later he came back to stage which launched him back on his feet. He was also able to perform his number one hit “ Minnie the Moocher” again.
In conclusion, I believe Cab Calloway was a very influential and great spirited person. He not contributed to one of the most important era for African Americans by doing films but he expressed himself with his passion for