How Cloning Should Be Used In Science

Great Essays
Eric Von Sossan
Mr. Knodell and Mrs. Jones
English 10 and Biology
5 March 2015

Cloning Research Paper In a 2001 survey, 88% of Americans opposed cloning (Jones and Carroll). Leon Kass says, "Cloning Represents a very clear, powerful, and immediate example in which we are in danger of turning procreation into manufacture" ("Leon Kass"). But cloning can help in medicine like organ transplants and producing drugs. Cloning has many negatives that need to be accounted for, but the positives are so beneficial that cloning should be used in science. Organisms that are genetically a copy of another organism are clones ("What is Cloning?"). These organisms are produced from a single cell (Miller and Levine). Clones can be produced naturally,
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Cows could be produced that make drugs in their milk. This feature would be carried on to all the cow's offspring. Cloning this cow would help to avoid genetic reshuffling ("Why Clone?"). Cows have been created by the Sooam Research Foundation that produce the human interferon protein. This protein treats a number of diseases. Sooam has been testing with organs that can be made for human transplant from pigs. Genes that cause diabetes have also been put into pigs and dogs for testing (Wilmut 38-42). Our body is built, maintained, and repaired by stem cells. Cloning could potentially create stem cells genetically identical to the individual. These are then used to possibly grow new organs and study disease. ("Why Clone?"). Cloning can also help identifying genomes to find the different regions of DNA. These regions include the ones that cause heart disease, strokes, and cancer. With drugs, gene modification, and lifestyle changes, these risks can be greatly reduced. This is all done with the cloning technology from transplantation from animals (Cyraoski …show more content…
Cloning has many negatives that need to be accounted for, but the positives are so beneficial that cloning should be used in science. The medical advantages such as drug production and helping with fertility problems outweigh the negatives ("Why Clone?"). Finding cures for diseases is a positive of cloning (Cyraoski 468-471). Fixing defective genes is also very beneficial to the world ("Pros and Cons of Human Cloning - HRF"). Faster aging could potentially be fixed with cosmetics and surgeries. Individuality could be fixed with hair dye and clothing. So, I think that cloning is definitely beneficial and should be

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