Hottest Immigration Battle Analysis

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Hottest Immigration Battles
Immigration has been one of the hottest topics talked among the world. Many immigrants decide to move to different countries due to many reasons. Unfortunately, it is illegal for people who are not native or have a citizenship to move to another country. Therefore, there are many crimes and suffering and it is something we don’t have control of. The Perpetual Border Battle and Imagining the Immigrant: Why Legality Must Give Way to Humanity, are two articles focusing on immigration. The Perpetual Border Battle talks about some immigration statistics and the dispute between policy makers and opinion leaders in the U.S. regarding illegal immigration and the southern U.S. border. On the other hand, “Imagining the Immigrant: Why legality Must Give Way to Humanity”, talks about understanding the immigrant’s point of view and the some of the reason why they cross the borders.
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According to the article, the immigration population has significantly decreased from several years ago. New policies, laws and improvements have been put in place to lower the population of immigrants coming to the United States from different countries. Likewise other methods are still being considered in improving enforcement. Some of the improvements made have been the border fencing, supported by technology such as ground sensors, pole-mounted remote cameras and even unmanned drones. Another improvement is the enforcement away from the border and includes merit attention. The enforcement has also improved employment by developing pilot programs to enable employers to electronically verify the information provided by new hires. Some of the results from these improvements include the deportation of illegal

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