We as humans are guilty of succumbing to our bodies temptations to treat ourselves to a Big Mac or a Doritos Locos Taco from our favorite fast food chains, and as we do we have a large negative impact on the earth without even realizing it. With our help fast food industries like McDonald’s, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Taco Bell-- some of the world’s most popular fast food industries-- are destroying the health of our Earth’s environment and its inhabitants.
Fast food contain a lot of harmful chemicals used to alter the taste and longevity of some of the products like preservatives, flavoring agents, and pesticides (Byloos). Chemicals like Butylated Hydroxyanisole-- or BHA for short-- act as chemical preservative as it is added to foods with oils in order to increase their longevity. It also helps to keep the oil from seeping into burger wrappers, chicken nugget cartons, french frie containers, or pizza boxes.…