Hope In Ray Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451'

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Group A
4. Bradbury does have hope in mankind at the end of the novel. Many characters convey different opinions. Beatty does not have hope in mankind saying, "Out of the nursery into the college and back to the nursery; there's your intellectual pattern for the past five centuries of more." (Bradbury 55). He thinks that people will never acquire knowledge and will never be intelligent again. He is also contributing to the ignorance by being a firefighter and burning books. Granger and Montag have more faith than Beatty. They conclude that we will follow a cycle. First we will read books and then burn them. They predicted that mankind will then reprint the books and it will cycle through time. Montag says, "Maybe the books can get us half out of the cave. They just might stop us from making the same damn insane mistakes!” (Bradbury 74). Montag
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Fahrenheit 451 is more similar to life now in 2017. We are consumed by our technology. Most young people and even some adults are addicted to their screens. Some people like to watch movies, watch television programs, check social media or play videogames. Many of the predictions came true in this novel. Mildred always had seashells in her ears. These can be compared to earbuds in today's time. The television walls can be compared to flat screen televisions. The shows Mildred liked to watch are reality shows. Many people get so concerned with other people's lives they forget to live their own. Humans are replacing books with their screens in order to be entertained. Some could also argue that school is similar now. Many people believe that the things we learn in school will not be useful later in life and we should be learning more practical things in school. “Do you know why books such as this are so important? Because they have quality. And what does the word quality mean? To me it means texture. This book has pores.” (Bradbury 104). Many people would disagree and believe that books are important in society as

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