Nevada High School is mostly Caucasians. The three years I went to the high school there were no more than thirty people of any other race out of over six hundred people. In contrast, at MHS you couldn’t walk down the hall without seeing a mixture of people. Other ways of telling how different the schools where about diversity is the classes they offer. Manhattan offered drives ed. Whereas Nevada does not. In contrast, Nevada offers agriculture class and MHS does not. These differences are because of the differences in location; Nevada is a small rural town where Manhattan is a big town that has a large university in it. There are many similarities and differences between the two schools, more than I wrote about in here. But these three where the top three that I could think about. The class size difference, the amount of homework you are used to getting, and the diversity of the students are all things that can affect you when change
Nevada High School is mostly Caucasians. The three years I went to the high school there were no more than thirty people of any other race out of over six hundred people. In contrast, at MHS you couldn’t walk down the hall without seeing a mixture of people. Other ways of telling how different the schools where about diversity is the classes they offer. Manhattan offered drives ed. Whereas Nevada does not. In contrast, Nevada offers agriculture class and MHS does not. These differences are because of the differences in location; Nevada is a small rural town where Manhattan is a big town that has a large university in it. There are many similarities and differences between the two schools, more than I wrote about in here. But these three where the top three that I could think about. The class size difference, the amount of homework you are used to getting, and the diversity of the students are all things that can affect you when change