Hemp Benefits

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Cannabis, also known as Marijuana, wasn't always illegal in the United States. Marijuana, as well as Hemp were used for many different purposes. Hemp is the male species of the Cannabis plant. Cannabis was known for the miracalous health benefits it inherited. Hemp was known for all the agricultural products it can be refined to. Although, the many benefits the marijuana plant possesses, it is still illegal under federal law to grow cannabis in the United States. The current drug laws are doing more harm than good. Legalizing marijuana would benefit the United States in many ways. Hemp was one of the largest agricultural crops in the United States. Hemp is the most durable, robust, and most natural soft fibers in the face of the earth(Harvey). Hemp can be used for a number of different products ranging from medicine to clothing. The first marijuana law was entacted in Jamestown Colony, Virginia in 1619, ordering farmer to grow hemp(Harvey). George Washington even said " Make the most of the hemp seed, sow it everywhere." The Declaration of Independence was also written on hemp paper. Benjamin Franklin even used hemp to start one of the first paper mills. Many big faces of the United States advocated for the growth of marijuana. The illegality of the growth of cannabis is unreasonable when their is alot to gain from it. Knowing hemp has great potential, it is still illegal for a person to grow it. …show more content…
Substituting hemp to make products such as paper, and fuel would be beneficial for the environment. Hemp can easily replace trees as the source of wood and paper, therby conserving forests( ). Hemp has the potential to make millions of dollars as well as produce economic friendly products. It can be used to produce more than 5,000 textile products, ranging from rope to fine laces( ). Many jobs can be created just to make these products, instead of paying foreigners oversees to make them. Hemp can be recycled almost 3 times more than tree-based paper( ). The uses of hemp can also extend into construction. Fiberboards made from hemp are lighter yet stronger. Houses and buildings can be made without cutting down excessive amounts of trees. Trees take many years to grow and play a big part of our environment. Hemps grows and crops quickly, so the need to cut down trees will diminish. Popular Mechanics Magazine wrote an article in 1938 calling hemp the " New Billion Dollar Crop." Hemp was called the "Billion Dollar Crop" for a reason. It can potentially replace many different markets with its products. Civilizations dating back to 8000 B.C have been known to use cannabis for Medical purposes. Civilizations who have used marijuana include the Indians who mixed their milk with marijuana to create a primitive anesthetic. The Egyptians were known to use cannabis to treat eye sores and the Greeks who found a way to treat earaches with the plants properties(Webley 1). The Chinese emperor Shen-Nung was known to prescribe it as medicine to many people almost 5 millenia ago(). It can be argued that marijuana has been influential on some modern medical treatments. Marijuana wasn't an issue to american society until Harry J. Anslinger was given the position of Director of Narcotics in 1930. His initial role was to crack down on the uses of opiates and

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