Now let us scratch the surface of the potential of cannabis/hemp for textile usage to start, the use of the hemp plant and the benefits it would have on the paper industry. The use of hemp in papermaking has been going on for thousands of years. In fact 75-90% of paper made worldwide, …show more content…
The word 'canvas' is Dutch for cannabis (Hemphasis, 2004). Majority of everything made today is made from cotton, which once again is a terrible substitute for hemp. It takes 1,400 gallons of water per pound of cotton where it takes less than half that amount of water to produce the pound of fibers with hemp (Hemp Technologies Global, 2014). Let us evaluate this a little further just take one cotton farm, for instance and replace all the cotton with hemp the results will surprise you. With the hemp plant, taking half the time to grow, you could now cultivate 200-250% more fiber just by changing to the use of hemp instead of cotton. What about the use of pesticides you ask? That is not a problem; hemp unlike cotton does not require the use of pesticides to grow (Martino, 2013). Wait a minute, what about the use of hemp to make clothes? Yes, we could make all of our clothes from hemp instead of cotton. Cotton breaks down with every wash cycle. Hemp on the other hand does not because, the natural fiber is stronger. This means we would not have to make as many clothes because, the clothes produced would last tremendously longer than clothes made from cotton (Martino, …show more content…
If only there was more publicity about the commercial and industrial applications. The federal government would be forced to legalize it for the use of commercial and industry purposes. Just think how fast we could turn our failed economy around. Though we did not cover all of the uses and benefits of marijuana/hemp/cannabis because, the list seems to be endless. Enough information was given to justify the federal legalization of marijuana/hemp/cannabis. The federal government needs to legalize marijuana/hemp/cannabis to allow our country to grow economically, industrially, and commercially for the future. Not only for our country, but the impact it would have on the rest of the