It is sad what Hana Brady had to endure and how she died during the Holocaust. Hana Brady was born on May 16, 1931 (“Hana and George Brady.”) in Nove Mesto. She had blond hair and blue eyes. Hana went to a public school with her older brother, George (“Hana Brady”). Hana liked wrestling with George, sneaking candy from the family's store and swinging from the tree in her front yard (G, Julia.).
When Hana was in third-grade, things began changing. She was no longer allowed to go to school (Levine, Karen). On March 15, 1939, Jews were no longer allowed to see movies, go to the playground or the gym (“Hana Brady.”). Hana was separated from her parents and sent to a camp with George. All she had was her suitcase full of special things. …show more content…
A little while later the rules changed and the girls were allowed out. She ran quickly to the boy’s section and found George. She was really happy. Hana’s grandmother came to the camp and was so confused and sad that she didn’t seem to recognize the two children. Three months later she died.
George was eventually sent to a camp in the East called Auschwitz (“Hana Brady”) He said, “We went through the selection process, with the thumb they just point to the left or right. At the time I did not know it, but to the right meant living and hard labor, to the left meant you went straight to the gas chamber” (Atlas, Shirley). The separation devastated Hana.
After a long time, she found her name on the list of people going to Auschwitz. She was very happy. The train ride was long and there was no food, drink, bathroom facilities, or room to move. At their destination, Hana and a lot of other girls were lined up and separated into two groups. One group was told they were taking a shower. There were a lot of shower heads. When the showers were turned on, they were all killed by gas. Hana was in this group (Levine, page