The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill was a tragic mishap on BP’s behalf, killing several rig workers and having many other outreaching effects. The amount of crude oil that was spilled into the Gulf of Mexico over the course of approximately three months was 4.9 million barrels of oil and to go along with that, 2 million gallons of chemical dispersants to the Gulf. A major group of crude oil, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) was discovered along the northern shorelines of the Gulf of Mexico. PAH effected several species of wildlife including Dolphins, the Tundra Peregrine Falcon, and shrimp. PAH or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, concentration levels in May 2010 were higher than in May 2011, a mere five times higher, which indicates…
FACTORS The BP oil spill directly affected the health of the environment in very harmful ways. In an account of the environmental losses regarding the BP oil spill, a famous writer for the Washington Post, Kevin Nance (2015), illustrates a reflection of the consequences in the wake of this disaster: “We remember the giant oil slick burning on the water, blackening the beaches, clogging the marshlands, choking and killing the fish and wildlife.” Many forms of wildlife suffered throughout this highly preventable incident, ruining fragile ecosystems permanently, despite the endless efforts of engineers and environmental specialists. Even 5 years after this spill, the consequences are still prevalent and largely noticeable.…
The human eats the animals (hunting/fishing) that are also contaminated by the polluted water. (diseased meat). In the event of an oil spill, if the health effects do not first reach the human, then by all means it will affect the overall biodiversity of the land which will then turn into the human's problem once…
The BP or Deepwater Horizon oil spill occurred on April 20, 2010 and came about due to natural gas blasting through a concrete core that was too weak to overcome the pressure of the gas. The natural gas then traveled to the rig’s riser to the platform of the rig where it was ignited. After killing 11 workers, the rig sank and oil began to travel into the gulf after the drilling mud no longer counteracted the pressure of the oil. Even though it has been five years since the BP Oil spill, there is still oil in the surrounding ecosystem even though it is not visible on the surface. A significant amount of oil is on the Gulf’s floor and the oil that traveled into wetlands and beaches is still present and will be present for many more years.…
In this essay, we will discuss and focus on some of the events of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on April 20, 2010. The scope is to shed light on the systematic incidents and mistakes leading up to the tragic mishap as well as the aftermath. Within the analysis of this essay, I will provide clear and supporting information to help the reader see and understand some of the major factors, environmental influences, as well as system procedures that were mistreated or overlooked in times leading to the eruption. Introduction BP, known as British Petroleum, is one of the world 's leading international oil and gas companies. They provide customers with fuel, energy, and lubricants to keep engines moving, and the petrochemicals products used…
The Gulf Oil Spill of 2010 is often called the worst oil spill in US history. On April twentieth 2010 BP oil rig exploded killing eleven people and causing a leakage of about 3.19 million barrels to pour into the gulf. The twenty-two mile long plume not only rested on the surface of the water, but also adhered together and fell to the ocean floor. This largely and negatively affected marine life. The number of average number of dolphin deaths per year went from sixty-three to one hundred and twenty-five in the months following the spill.…
The roots of the Exxon Valdez disaster dates back to 1968 (sherrow, 11). On the night of March 23, the ship left port in Valdez at about 9 P.M. captain Joseph hazelwood was in charge, but he handed over the piloting of the ship to the third Mate Greg Cousins shortly into the journey ( At 12:04 A.M. , the ship struck the reef, tearing open the hull and releasing 11 million gallons of oil into the environment (Taylor ). Thick crude oil washed up on the cobble beach of Evans Island, the oil sticks to boots and pants of a local fisherman in Prince William sound, on april 11, 1989 (Taylor, The Exxon Baton Rouge attempts offloads crude oil from the Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince William Sound near Valdez, Alaska, on March 26,1989 (Taylor, ).…
The total estimate of oil that was exerted from the ocean floor was 4.9 billion barrels. It was considered one of the biggest oil spills of all time. This was the cause of faulty technology. If the oilrig had more advanced technology, this disaster could have been avoided. The amount of biodiversity that was affected is…
In this paper one is going to see how bad these horrible oil rigs are running are earth. Oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico killies harmless little animals. The oil has killed birds,rare fish,and fish that people commerical fish for that we eat. There is just about 82,000 birds of 102 species are being harmed from that nasty thing we call oil. Also,it's not only birds,fish,and turtles it’s 2,900 marine animals and that includes most of the cute animals we sea on the beach.…
The storm impact caused the spill of over seven million gallons of oil into Gulf Coast waterways. Additionally, it flooded three Superfund81 sites in the New Orleans area, and destroyed or compromised numerous drinking water facilities and wastewater treatment plants along the Gulf Coast.82 The storm’s collective environmental damage, while not creating the “toxic soup” portrayed in the media, nonetheless did create a potentially hazardous environment for emergency responders and the general public.83 In response, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Coast Guard jointly led an interagency environmental assessment and recovery effort, cleaning up the seven million gallons of oil and resolving over 2,300 reported cases of…
The BP oil spill was a very tragic environmental disaster that occurred recently which resulted from poor engineering judgement. There were several ethical issues involved with the BP oil spill that made it such a terrible and devastating disaster. However, the disaster began with one single decision that should not have been made. The environmental ramifications that were caused by the spill are still seen along the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico. If ethical issues of the BP oil company were handled correctly and responsibly it is very likely the spill would never have occurred.…
People were frantic trying to stop barrels oil that were gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, covering wildlife, and poisoning water in thick, unescapable oil. It took over 80 days to just stop the leak caused by an oil pipe explosion in 2010. Michael Klare, (2010) states the leak is “something that would not have occurred with proper corporate oversight” (p.1). Four years later, the government, organizations, and volunteers are still trying to clean up the millions of barrels that were dumped into the Gulf of Mexico. Oil is a source of energy that goes up in demand every day as the supply depletes.…
For example, “when oil spills, every person who makes a living from the ocean feels the effects. Fishers, shrimpers, and dockworkers sit idle when ocean waters are too contaminated to catch edible seafood. Oil-marred beaches disrupt the tourism industry, slowing business for hotels, restaurants, and shops” (Mooney, 36). Not only are these rigs dangerous to the workers on them, but also to the homes, businesses and tourists living along United State’s coasts. In a survey conducted on December 4th, 2015 the 25 people surveyed knew a total of 54 people working either in a fishing industry or at a shop or business along an American coast.…
Oil Spills and How They Affect The Environment Oil spills, no matter how small or large, effect the worlds environment by their destroying and poisoning any habitat they come in contact with, mainly the water though. These spills can be devastating because they disrupt what we know as the food chain. The food chain starts with producers who are ate by small animals which are ate by larger and larger animals until the top predator is reached, humans. Oddly enough, humans are the main reason the food chain is being destroyed. In our fight to reach economic prosperity we rarely take in consideration the environment, which is partially what life is based on.…
The disaster caused the life of 11 workers and more than 15 injuries. It is the largest environmental disaster in U.S. history. It started with an explosion on the 20th of April 2010, in the Gulf of Mexico. After burning for two days the rig sank two days later, which eventually lead to the enormous leakage of oil into the Gulf. The U.S. Government estimated the total discharge to be 4.9 million barrels of oil.…