Look at it from the standpoint of the domino effect. Number one : the human drinks the polluted water. Number two :eats the crops grown and watered by polluted water. Number Three : The animal and or crops die before it can even be hunted to be consumed. Number four: The human eats the animals (hunting/fishing) that are also contaminated by the polluted water. (diseased meat). In the event of an oil spill, if the health effects do not first reach the human, then by all means it will affect the overall biodiversity of the land which will then turn into the human's problem once
Look at it from the standpoint of the domino effect. Number one : the human drinks the polluted water. Number two :eats the crops grown and watered by polluted water. Number Three : The animal and or crops die before it can even be hunted to be consumed. Number four: The human eats the animals (hunting/fishing) that are also contaminated by the polluted water. (diseased meat). In the event of an oil spill, if the health effects do not first reach the human, then by all means it will affect the overall biodiversity of the land which will then turn into the human's problem once