In this article, Easterbook gives many examples of how the owners and the NFL get away with anything. Easterbook, also provides a solution to end the taxpayer fleecing by the NFL. There are three main points that Easterbook acknowledges in the article, “How the NFL Fleeces Taxpayers”. Easterbook demonstrates that taxpayers fund the stadiums, explains how the league enjoys their non-profit organization, and insists that the antitrust laws do not apply to broadcast deals. First of all, Easterbook demonstrates that taxpayers fund the stadiums. Easterbook demonstrates that taxpayers provide most or all of the funds to build NFL stadiums by giving examples of NFL teams that have done this like the Cincinnati Bengals and New Orleans Saints. According to Easterbook, “Pro Football Owners Routinely Binge on Giveaways and Handouts”. The essence of Easterbook’s demonstration is that while NFL owners stay rich, the burden of paying for something, such as a stadium, falls directly onto the taxpayers’ shoulders. Taxpayers paying for a stadium is only one …show more content…
The livelihood of the NFL is at stake because without the fans, owners, and the NFL itself, this billion dollar empire will collide. The future of the NFL could be really bright with changes to the non-profit organization classification and antitrust laws that only favor the NFL and owners. The future of the NFL could also be bleak if nothing happens and the owners and NFL only continue to get away with anything, while everyone else suffers. I think everyone involved should work together to resolve these three problems and find a common ground where all sides will