Greed Quotes In Macbeth

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In Macbeth, all the characters are responsible for what they’ve done, and also the aftermath of their deeds. Instead of setting his mind at being the Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth’s fate is largely affected by his greed, his fears, and his ruthlessness. Once he arouses these monsters, his fate is changing with them.
Macbeth’s greed largely determines his fate. Macbeth is a national hero, a man of honor before everything has changed. After King Duncan decides to execute the traitor, he says:”what he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won.”(page 14) This quote illustrates that Macbeth has just won the trust from the king, and a bright future is waiting for him. By that time, Macbeth could not believe that he can be the Thane of Cawdor, let alone be the king. When the witches tell Macbeth he would be the Thane of Cawdor, he answers:”But how of Cawdor? The thane of Cawdor lives,/A prosperous gentleman, and to be king/Stands not within the prospect of belief,/No more than to be Cawdor.”(page 18) He could not believe that he
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After he killed King Duncan, he finally gets his wish. At this time, his fear takes over his mind; he has started the endless dissimulation. At first, everyone thought the assassination was carried out by the guards, but as time goes by, people start to realize who on earth is the backstage manipulator. At this time, the prophecies of the three witches appear to Macbeth’s mind, it keeps reminding him that the son of Banquo will replace his position. The fear of losing the power impels him to murder Banquo and his son. Macbeth says to the murderers:”So is he mine; and in such bloody distance/That every minute of his being thrusts/Against my near’st of life.”(page 56) It is clear that he is terrified with the menace of his power, he could not wait to get rid of his “best friend”. As he wished, Banquo is killed by his murderers; but out of human nature, the figure of Banquo keeps tangling him which drives him

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