After the successful invasion of Caesar, the territory of Roman increased humongously and the process of “Romanization” is widely spread across the land. With the domination of the Roman over the Germans, Roman citizens don’t feel the need to study the “loser” languague. Instead, the Germans is the one who need to learn the language of their ruler, in order to work and contribute to the new king. Therefore, the commonly spoken language of the region becoming Latin and Greek. The main reason why Latin become the nation’s language is simply because it’s what Romans normally speak, and it’s also considered as “a source of Romans unity and tradition”(Vergil, Aeneid 12.834 and 837). Greek, on the other hand, is regconized as a “literary language”, and only be teached to the Romans who received elite education (Rochette, "Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire," pp. 550–552). Most men in the governing class could speak Greek, and with the conquest of Romans over the Germans, the high class of Germans definitely want to remain their status, therefore Greek is must-known language. Under the ruling of the new king, new Romans rule will be applied to the whole area, and the bureaucracy will be Romans-based to ensure credibility. Romans religion is depended on knowledge and correct practices of prayer, ritual and sacrifice. Romans peope also considered themselves “religious”, and the practice of religion is a part of everyday life (Jörg Rüpke, "Roman Religion – Religions of Rome," in A Companion to Roman Religion (Blackwell, 2007), p. 4). Besides, as a result of Latins becoming the common language, this era could have marked the start of Christianity – which is based solely on Latins. In the 5th century C.E, the Hunnic tribes arrived with the mindset of conquerors, only to face the reality that they’re up against the mighty Rome with the river frontier lasted from the Black Sea to the Baltic, backed by dozen of Germanic legions. …show more content…
Such an army can be considered unbeatable, but the Huns – who were “a confederation of warrior bands” – will try to march against them, only to find themselves getting the unavoidable defeat. The defeat is devastating, and the Huns, realized the power of the opponent they are fighting, will need to compromise. Under the ruling of Attila and Bleda, the Huns sets peacful terms with the Romans, in which they insist on helping the Empire with their conquest in trade for lands and peace. The Romans, seeing the Huns as a source of strong and brave warriors, accepts the term. As a consequence, the Huns finds themselves no longer under the threat of being attacked by the Romans, but then, they end up under the supervision of the Empire, and the process “ Romanization” will continue to do its job. Under the affection of Roman cultural expansion that stretches through Goth and Sarmatian territory as far east as the Volga, the Huns now realized they are losing their origins. They are no longer be acknowledged as honorable warriors, but rather low-standard merceneries of mother Rome. This incident raised the question about the leadership of Attida brothers, and soon enough, there will be war. The Huns are warriors, not politicans. After recognizing the situation, the Huns turned against their leader, and then try to raid other parts of the region to set up new foundation, in attempt to conquer Rome. Finally, despite all of their attempts, the lacked of leadership and the differences in number are hard to overcome and they were wiped out under the unmatchable power of the Empire. In 80 C.E, after Gnaeus Agricola’s conquest of Scotland, the Norse found themselves bottled up by Roman fleets that dominated the north and Baltic Seas. The Vikings like to engage in raiding and pillaging, therefore some of them settled in Russia to build a homelands to return and trade after every raid. But as a consequence, during a long period of time dominated