Traditional Family Structures

Superior Essays
Family: can such an elusive term have a concrete definition? The answer lies within society’s ever-changing social constructs. The traditional family still exists, but it is no longer the norm. Today more than ever, new family structures are emerging, many of which have limited research information. Some couples cohabitate, others are separated by divorce or death, and some choose adoption. These are just a few of the family structures that exist in society today. When one or more family structures become entwined, keeping track of everyone can be complicated. The genogram was designed as a method to record family history. An in-depth genogram includes medical history, relationships, and specific dates. “Creating a genogram serves to engage …show more content…
It is a multifactorial, chronic disease that is rapidly increasing and having devastating effects on health, especially in the United States.” Both of my parents struggle with obesity. According to () there are some traits that are learned rather than inherited. In my household, we usually stock the pantry with quick and easy food. Unfortunately, these foods are often loaded with high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, and salt. We do not keep enough healthy options around. Whether or not I want to admit it, my parent’s food choices still affect the way I eat and select food today. While I am currently at a healthy body weight, I have to pay close attention to the way I treat my body. I find myself reaching for the most convenient foods rather than the healthiest ones. Although I have not heard any terrible news from my parent’s doctors lately, I would not be surprised if I am at an increased risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Also, many diseases and conditions skip a generation. While I may not see the immediate effects of obesity, my children might one day. Watching my parents struggle with obesity has definitely impacted the way I view my health. It is so important to me that I maintain a healthy body weight because I know the effects that obesity has not only physically, but also mentally and …show more content…
This line runs between two or more people who have experienced tension in their relationship. On my genogram, this line runs between my dad and his father. I do not know anything about my grandfather. I never met him before he passed away and my dad never spoke of him. I hope to learn more of my grandfather because at the moment, I only know his name. When there is tension in a family, it causes feelings of uncertainty. It is important to know where you come from, and this tension in my family has hidden a part of my history from me. Many of my friends have living grandparents to this day. I had never even met my grandfathers on both sides before they passed

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