Just from physical makeup, sporting tastes, and economic considerations; people feel it would not be right to bring both genders together. “If you look into most schools today, you will find most male athletes only play football, basketball, and various contact sports. Girls tend to play non-contact sports, such as …show more content…
“It takes a bigger injury to knock them out of service. The men by comparison, are wimps; they leave with minor ailments”(Sokolove). With girls playing with boys, it would make them more competitive, as for boys they would learn to be cooperative.
In 1970, women could not attend law school if they wanted to pursue a professional degree in college. They felt as if girls played professional sports in college, they would become masculine, but also felt that if boys did not play a sport, they would become feminine. So according to (King) “In 1972, Congress passed Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments Act.
Next, parents in Western Pennsylvania wanted the court to change a law that was made in 1975, that banned girls from playing and practicing with boys. The court explained that boys passed a higher degree of athletic ability which made boys more important. One thing they did not understand was boys and girls are only uniquely different when it comes to physical