Reflection Essay: Week Three
Chapter eight extensively describes how gender, sex, and gender/sex roles between sexes were all shaped and how they are all viewed by each person in today’s society, as well as how they were viewed when theories about them first came out. Chapter eight goes in depth with the concept of gender. Conley describes gender as a social position, or “ a set of social arrangements that are built around normative sex categories” (Conley). This basically means that every one is born biologically different (male or female), but what we make of those differences defines ones gender. Those differences don’t arise biologically. Humans live their lives based on norms, and when someone new is born we immediately try to program those norms into that child, depending if that child is a boy or girl. Gender doesn 't always follow one path for one persons entire life. That given person might feel the need to change his or her gender to fulfill his or her desires as a person, which is generally looked down upon by society as being wrong and immoral (depending on how open-minded you are). An example would be the situation with Caitlyn Jenner, who used to be known as Bruce Jenner (a world-renown American olympic athlete). He spent his childhood, teen years, and some of his adult life living as a male but then decided to change his gender to female because of what he, or she, felt as right. That change made national news and became a huge story, but as time went on people became more accepting of that change. There are still, probably a lot, non-supporters that don’t agree with it but there’s also a lot of supporters. This is where sexuality ties in as well. Sexuality refers to desire, sexual preference, and sexual identity and behavior (Conley). This is also very apparent in Caitlyn Jenner’s case, but also in many other cases, not only in the United States, but all over the world. Ones sexuality doesn’t not solely depend on ones sex or gender but it definitely plays a factor in it. Gay-marriage was recently legalized mainly because of this. Sex is related to gender in a lot of ways but can have some differences. …show more content…
A persons sex is there biological differences regardless of peoples view on them. Woman have one more Y chromosome than men do, thus making them biologically different. That’s of course no the only difference. Based on science, men have better spacial awareness, meaning they can visualize objects around them more accurately and account for changes accordingly better than woman. Woman do detect colors more efficiently then men (this explains why woman are generally more fashionable then men ha ha!). Sex, or gender roles is a recently new theory. In pre-modern societies gender roles rarely existed. Men and woman shared to workload day-in and day-out. Men and woman working on a farm would be an example of this. First off, working on a farm was incredibility common in the pre-modern era. Men and woman would both wake early and attend to their crops or cattle, generally doing the same amount of labor depending on their physical condition. After their work was completed they both went back to their home and fixed themselves something to eat, again doing the same amount of work to