Duality In Dorian Gray And The Picture Of Dorian Wilde

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For centuries, mankind has had a propensity to utilise the biological distinctions of the sexes in order to enforce a societal distinction between the sexes, which is known as gender. Gender, as the socially imposed division of the sexes, allowed societies to delineate certain characteristics to each of the sexes, and thus assign different roles, moral codes, and, in certain societies, thoughts and emotions to them. As such, the study of gender is of profound importance to the manner in which one reads and studies literature.
For instance, the delineation of the sexes prior to the 19th century, women were educated to a lesser extent than men, having an education limited to that of moral virtues, modern languages, and societal accomplishments
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Additionally, the manner in which the sexes are depicted in Victorian literature may be utilised to view evolving views of masculinity; Jane Eyre’s Mr Rochester, for example typifies the Byronic Hero, whereas The Picture of Dorian Gray focusses upon the experience of three men, whose ability to transcend Victorian gender roles influences their masculinities: Dorian is a naïve, hedonistic character who leads a double life, whereas Basil represents the repressed Victorian gentleman, and Sir Henry Wotton whose manipulation of Dorian allows him to maintain a façade of idealised Victorian masculinity.
This manner of interpretation applies to all manner of societies, as the delineation between the sexes has evolved over time. For example, during the sonneteering vogue of the renaissance, women were idealised based on virtues, and described through the mode of a blazon. This exemplified the manner in which women were treated as visual objects during this era, which is intensified by the lack of voice women were given in

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