The saying “out of sight of mind” is a short way to explain object performance. Newborns think that if an object is out of sight that it no longer exist. Young children lack egocentrism which is the inability to differentiate between self and other. They are unable to perceive things from another person's point of view. I’ve had some examples of egocentrism throughout my life and most of them occur when I try to look at the lifestyles of others, the others being the vagabond travelers on the internet and and successful businessman and women on the magazines. Similar to egocentrism, young children don’t understand the law of conservation, principle of classical physics that matter cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system. An example would be putting liquid in a different shaped container of the same size. As seen in the video during class, most children didn’t understand that the liquid is the same no matter what glass it’s in. Out of the eight stages of Erikson's developmental stages I feel that I’m at stage five. As of right now I’m just trying to figure out who I am and who I want to be in the near …show more content…
There were three level in Kohlberg's theory, Pre-conventional morality, Conventional morality, and Postconventional morality. Along with the three levels there were six stages that came with it. The first stage is obedience and punishment, where a child learns to obey rules to avoid punishments. This falls under the pre-conventional level. The second stage is individualism and exchange, where they learn to be a bit more dependent on themselves. This also falls under the pre-conventional level. The third stage is interpersonal relationships, learning how to nice and social. This falls under the conventional level. The fourth stage is maintaining social order, beginning to consider society as a whole or focusing on following the rules. This also falls under the conventional level. The fifth stage is social contact and individual right, when people differ values, options of beliefs of other people. This falls under the postconventional level. The sixth stage that falls under postconventional level is universal principles, it involves ethical principles and abstract reasoning. As of right now I think that I am at the postconventional level because I’m just trying to figuring out society to see where I would fit