Gender Inequality In Water For Elephants Analysis

Superior Essays
Unit 5, Activity 4: ISP Essay
Gender Inequality in Water for Elephants

In today’s society, there is a common misconception between “gender” and “sex”. Although many believe these two identities to be similar in context, they have two different meanings: One’s “sex” refers to their genetic make-up (in terms of hormonal profile, sex organs etc.), while gender describes the characteristics that are classified as feminine or masculine by a culture or society. For example, in western cultures, women are usually seen as “more delicate and compassionate than men...have expectations to be domestic, warm, pretty, emotional, dependent, physically weak, and passive.” Conversely, society views men as being more “competitive...unemotional, physically
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At the beginning of the novel, “young” Jacob admits: “I’m the oldest male virgin on the face of the earth...Not too long ago some of the guys on my football team paid a woman a quarter apiece to let them do it, one after the other, in the cattle barn. As much as I had hoped to leave my virginity behind at Cornell, I couldn’t bring myself to do it” (Gruen 15). Jacob is admitting that he is embarrassed by his lack of sexual experience; implying that sex is a “male sport” which he should have participated in by …show more content…
Even though Marlena willingly ran away with August when she was just seventeen years old, charmed by his “irresistible charisma”; she is currently unhappy in her marriage with August and chooses to hide her abuse. Marlena reveals her obedience to August when she tells Jacob she can’t be with him: “I just can’t. I’m married, I made my bed, and now I have to lie in it” (Gruen 222). This is an example of the power and manipulation that one stereotype can have on someone’s behavior; Marlena is choosing to stay in her relationship with August (even though she does not really love him) because she is aware of how much power he has over her actions. Male and Female stereotypes are often closely associated with each other, especially when referring to marriage and relationships, because “male” characteristics are always being compared to the “female” characteristics (i.e. Women are not as strong as

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