From childhood into adulthood, a person is bombarded with societal pressure to personify the roles assigned to their gender– gender meaning how the individual identifies (male, female, transgender, gender fluid, etc.) not their biological sex. Traits or behaviors typical to one gender are deemed socially unacceptable. Aaron H. Devor–previously Holly Devor, before his gender reassignment in 2002– professor of sociology and former Dean of Graduate Studies at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, illustrates this in his essay, “Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender.” In his essay, Devor explains how characteristics such as behavior or physical appearance (apart from one’s reproductive system) define individuals…
In the late 1960’s, sexism began to play a role in feminism itself with the birth of the separatist movement. This was a radical white feminist movement that wanted to exclude men from feminism. The Combahee Women’s Collective asserts that this was not only “not a viable political” option, but it also would go against their standing on biological determinism (4). The Combahee River Collective argues against biological determinism, saying that being biologically female does not define a person. In the same way, biological maleness does not make men who they are.…
Gender is constructed by the society. Although individuals are born sexed, they are not born gendered. Learning is required for individuals to become masculine or feminine. Children learn to talk, walk and gesture according to their social group’s beliefs of how boys and girls should act (Lorber, 1991). Gender is a human production which relies on everyone continual “doing gender” (West & Zimmerman, 1987).…
Gender Roles Effecting Americas Youth From the moment of birth one’s sex is how people identity who the baby is as a person. ““Women are not born, they are made” same is true for men” (Eckert, 735) throughout our lives our thoughts and actions are the outcomes of creating ourselves into what society believes how our sex should be acting. Both males and female are treated differently by parents and other adults of society, doing their gender work for the child. Buying clothing, and toys to teach the child and show others in society their sex and role that they play.…
Penelope Eckert is a linguistics and anthropology professor at Stanford University (736). Sally McConnell-Ginet is an emeritus linguistics professor at Cornell (736). They argue children learn gender by a certain age, and they assert that American culture is deeply rooted in the gender dichotomy in “Learning to Be Gendered”. We are born biologically male or female; that 's what our chromosomes say. Whether they are XX or XY we are born that way.…
She describes that males were known to be the ones who were less emotional and were providers. Then in contrast that females were less of providers and more emotional. She uses history to show that stereotypical gender roles are false accusations of how men and women act. The author then continues to state that the term transgender is a broad term to label people who express themselves differently than their gender that they were born with, wether or not they have had surgery. Rosenberg then articulates that gender identity crises does in fact occur at very young ages of children.…
As for this week’s reading assignments, I was introduced to two pieces of readings: Judith Lorber’s “Night to His Day,” and Cherrie Moraga’s “La Guera.” Having read and thinking about the issues of the readings, I was aware of the process that the society has used to construct gender over the years (in “Night to His Day”) and how mistreatment, like racial discrimination or gender inequality, is involved in the construction of gender (in “La Guera”). Let’s talk about Lorber’s article. As I read, I noticed what the author indicates: “For individuals, gender means sameness,” and “for society, gender means difference;” I believed that it was true. From my perspective, each individual in this society complies with his [or her] group’s expectations…
I was born a woman; probably my father wasn’t so happy about my gender. Perhaps he wanted a boy named after him. I can’t remember my first thought as a baby, but I’m sure I wasn’t able to distinguish between males and females, or the fact that the doctor was a male and the nurse was a female. I just knew I wanted to love and be loved regardless of my race, sex, or religion. My friend Melissa was raped, and it was her fault.…
In today’s society, gender roles and gender identities are often confused. Gender roles are set of norms society has created that are deemed acceptable for males and females (Ramirez, 2015). This approach creates a set of boundaries to a person’s identity due to their adoption…
‘“Night to His Day’: The Social Construction of Gender,” Judith Lorber’s article written in the mid 90s, describes western societies as having two genders: men and women. Lorber explains that, while they not wholly separate genders, transvestities and transexuals are “crossover genders” (2007: 43) floating in between society’s two genders. Society’s framework for gender affects everything a person does from the moment that person is born, without them even knowing it. The clothes a person wears, the friends a person makes, the job that person ultimately does or does not get: all affected by gender.…
Identity is a person 's sense of self-awareness. The terms “gender” and “sex” are often used interchangeably, however, the two words have significantly different definitions. Sex can be argued to refer to the biological essentialism and the idea that we are who we are because of our genetics. On the other hand, gender is associated with the social constructionist theory, presented by Jeffrey Weeks, arguing that the way we are depends on our race, class, and sexuality. Every individual is different within their race, class, and sexuality, therefore, their gender is socially constructed.…
It has been numerously mentioned what social masculinity and femininity stands for. For example, “Diamond argues that these children should be assigned to the male sex since the presence of the Y is sufficient grounds for the presumption of social masculinity” (748). She also mentions that it is not “feminine” (“Interview: John Colapinto”) of “Brenda” (744) to play with guns, trucks or even to stand and urinate, because as a society we have come up with the generalization that one is a male if XY chromosomes are present in an individual’s gene, and one is a female if XX chromosomes are present. Therefore, Butler apprises us by using David Reimer’s case to define that “what is feminine and what is masculine can be altered, that these cultural terms have no fixed meaning or internal destiny, and that they are more malleable than previously thought” (746). Stating that biology does not set the limit for one’s destiny, because there are alternative routes that one might take, which could be completely different than what their biology had put forth for them.…
I have always felt nonbinary, but it wasn’t until high school that I became aware of nonbinary genders. Up until that point in my life, nothing else but man and woman existed. Nothing society gives us suggests otherwise. The gender binary is something, like many other constructs, that “people continuously create, through their actions and interactions, a shared reality” (Peter Berger, 262). Examples of its objectivation are all around us, including everything from bathrooms, to sports, to clothing, to housing, to language.…
I was surprised to learn that most people who do not identify with their biological gender, do not feel they are that gender. If someone is born with female reproductive organs and hormones, but don’t feel they fit the role of a female, they will live their lives believing they are male. This was a strange concept for me before this course. I was naive to think that if one is born a female, they play the part of a female and if one is born a male, they play the part of a male. After reading the chapters of the textbook, and reviewing the PowerPoint provided on this topic, I strongly believe I have applied what I have learned from this topic in my everyday life.…
In addition, Becker illustrates the importance of looking at familiar events, because this is when one is able to gain insight on different perspectives, such as in how one becomes a marijuana user. In fact, most marijuana users do not like it the first place, but will after many tries because they would have then learned the proper way to get high. Therefore, the marijuana users have to “learn to recognize the effects and connect them with drug use and then learn to enjoy the sensation they perceive” (5). The marijuana does not just work, as users have to have a specific perception of the drug for its pleasurable effects cause the individual to want to do it again. Therefore, once the feeling of fear and distasteful taste disappears, the user…