Many of the greasers join gangs to be apart of an alternative family. “ If it hadn't been for the gang, Johnny would never have known what love and affection are.”. The gang is a place for the greasers to come back to, to help them, and the care for them. It is very important to greasers like Johnny, were the only time he gets attention from his family is when his dad hits him. Darry, Soda, and Pony all look to the gang as extra family because they lost their parents in a car crash. But, some of the gang members, especially Johnny and Dally, need the gang the most.
Many greasers also join gangs to gain support, and to have the title of a group. The gang helps you through all of your hard times. The greasers had a hard life, and the gang was a place where everyone understood you. The gang can help you and give you mental and physical support. For example, when Ponyboy was doubting that Darry loves him, the gang encouraged him and told him that Darry just has a different way to show it. Soda says “ ‘It's just because …show more content…
Johnny is not “tuff”, he is the pet in the gang. All of the other greasers aren’t scared of anything, and will fight the Socs back. Johnny is very afraid of that and thinks the fighting and rumbles are useless. Ponyboy is also different. He is “gold”, as Johnny puts it, and does many things like track, reading, and watches sunsets. That is something that differentiates Pony from other greasers. Also, Johnny wants Pony to stay that way. "’Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold…’" (Hinton 126). Many greasers would want to be tuff like all the other greasers, but Johnny wants Pony to stay the way he