• Reymundo Sanchez will growing up in an abusive household. His step-father beat him and his mother would finish him off. In the book you will realize that these harsh living environments manipulated Sanchez behavior. From the ongoing beatings he received on the daily is the reason who he later become Lil Loco. Lil Loco was a young man who feared anyone who threaten his life therefore he will black out and attack. Due to his environment at home he was able learn no behavior that leveled him out from being the scared kid at home to the tough guy or the crazy one on the streets. Spending time with the Disciples Sanchez learned how to smoke a cigarette which later turned into marijuana by imitating Pot Head. In order to be accepted by the Lords or the Kings you had to be violent. So Sanchez started to enjoy being deviant because his violent acts were rewarded. He did not like being called a coward. His first drive-by experience where he was taught how to use a shotgun showed him the interaction through other will influence his behavior and motivate him to be deviant. He was identifying his self with these two deviant groups and acceptable everything they did. For instance he lost his virginity because everyone around him was participating in sexual intercourse. (25, 54, 56 and 73) What did the gang(s) offer? …show more content…
Were the gangs able to fill needs not met by other means?
• The gangs offered acceptance he never got at home. Some gang members even served as father figures to him. The gang offered him fun and excitement. He felt free when he was with them and away from home. The gang welcomed him and help he escape the horrible reality that was his life even if it meant participating in deviant activities. The gangs were able to fill needs not met by other means by providing a strong feeling of belonging, respect and love.
Other than the above question, why else did the author become interested in hanging out with gang members? Why do you think he ultimately joined a gang? • Sanchez had the desire to join a gang because of the females. Gangs were a sure way to get girls, and party. Sanchez envied the concept of gangs will get him girls easily. After he started to go on missions and his first kill there was no turning back. Especially after being beat into a coma his idea for gangs grew more because he wanted to seek revenge. He earned his respect with the gangs. Out of fear of backing down from joining the gang, the Latin King became his ally. “Because of my cowardice I was about to be initiated into the biggest and most violent Latino gang in Chicago” (139). Sanchez was officially a Latin King. (33, 34, 89 and 139) What evidence of subcultural values did you see among the gangs in the reading? How important were issues like loyalty, revenge, respect, and violence (give an example from the reading)? • How did gang affiliation