Gang affiliation became a rite of passage for many minority children growing up. Role models encompass veteranos, or older Hispanic gang members, who have survived prison life, shooting, stabbings, and gangs’ wars between other barrios. According to Hoover (1999) these veteranos in Hispanic gangs are responsible for recruiting and training of youth in criminal activities for future generation. Both, Hispanic and African-American gangs had no other options but to follow their family and friends. However, gang intervention programs were established at tackling minority gang member affiliation. One of the programs that was established is called Gang Resistance Education and Training …show more content…
This program was established to prevent gangs as a pilot program to assist in the reduction of gang activity. This program then began to expand to in part because the “Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) joined the ATF and the Phoenix PD to expand the Program nationally” (National Institute of Justice, 2015). Because of this, the program has been expanded internationally and continues to grow, even though it has had trouble establishing followers over