M. Bouchard, A. Spindler (2010) “defined a “structured gang” as one that was large in size (50+ members), whose members self- designated the gang as “organized”, and which had at least three organizational characteristics (e.g., name, established leader, meetings, specific clothing or territory)”
I think that member place in the gang is directly correlated with the activities which gang execute. Because ‘‘gangs pattern themselves in stable and recognizable forms’’ (Andrea Spindler and Martin Bouchard, 2011) There is no way to be a part of gang for its members and do not follow on its established rules. If for example gang is engaged in drug activities, its members will be concerned with the drug distribution, in some cases consumption and par consequence related to it violent behavior. - Like admitted Rosenfield (1999), “Gang membership may facilitate access to risky situations such as drug markets that are not themselves the product of gang activity” For me this situation is a natural process, and is connected with the development of violent behavior. …show more content…
More violence concerned the gang activities are, more its members will be influenced by organizational structure and will produce higher level of violence and will be engaged in more delinquents acts.
Like stated by M. Bouchard, A. Spindler (2010) “ If organization facilitates crime, then higher scores on an organization scale should be associated with higher levels of delinquency”
Same way, less violent will be the organization, less will be its members.
There is also important the degree of involvement of each member into the organization. If the organization has a strong structure with the established stricter rules, it`s likely than its members will be obliged to follow on these rules. And in case this well-structured and maintained organization is engaged in violent activities, its members will automatically follow it. Otherwise they won’t be accepted inside of the organization. However, researchers admitted the “Differences seen between gangs are not only based on structural properties but also in terms of behavioral characteristics. “ (). (Andrea Spindler and Martin Bouchard, 2011) I Which mean for me that basically the organization, in our case gang, initially make a selection of what is of the primary importance and the members should behave. For example moto gang, will be concerned with the moto activities first, before to sell drugs for example. Their core reason for joining the organization will be their passion for the motorcycling, only later they will be a part of organization, they might be involved in some different activities of this gang, but still then these activities won’t be a primary reason for joining gang. On the other hand, if the members of gang decide to leave the gang, researchers conclude that “ Whatever is happening to young offenders when they become gang members, it does not appear to have a lasting effect on their offending behavior” (Martin Bouchard ⁎, Andrea …show more content…
It’s appear to be not easy to became a member of gang, and one must to fulfill the expectations of the recruiter. Where, all the qualities, like prior violent behavior, conflict engagements, etc all are taken into the account The past of the future gang member “may reveal behavioral tendencies “ (Andrea Spindler and Martin Bouchard, 2011) expected by the