The essay shows that the North wasn’t just going to lie down and let the spicy Southern temperament get whatever it wanted from the North regarding slaves and the return of its “property.” The south was doing everything it could and it still wasn’t satisfied with how the North was dodging slave laws. The South was seriously threatened by the way the North was getting around the slave law. Baker’s essay discuses how the bitter South found ways to fight the North and recapture and return as many slaves as they possibly could to the North. In Bakers essay, he brings up the “Gag Rule” which was adopted by the House and the Senate preventing abolitionist laws from being passed. The South refused to the let the North abolish slavery and these two texts tell tales of the vicious legal dogfight that kept slavery from being completely abolished or
The essay shows that the North wasn’t just going to lie down and let the spicy Southern temperament get whatever it wanted from the North regarding slaves and the return of its “property.” The south was doing everything it could and it still wasn’t satisfied with how the North was dodging slave laws. The South was seriously threatened by the way the North was getting around the slave law. Baker’s essay discuses how the bitter South found ways to fight the North and recapture and return as many slaves as they possibly could to the North. In Bakers essay, he brings up the “Gag Rule” which was adopted by the House and the Senate preventing abolitionist laws from being passed. The South refused to the let the North abolish slavery and these two texts tell tales of the vicious legal dogfight that kept slavery from being completely abolished or