2: The phenotypic ratio for white eyed males decreased when exposed to light, but increased when they were kept in darkness. The white eyed phenotypic ratio for males that were exposed to light …show more content…
Hypothesis 1 stated that, females prefer the appearance of red-eyed alleles, the frequency of white-eyed flies will decrease in the population cage that is maintained in the light, but not in the population maintained in the dark. This hypothesis was correct and this was proven when there was a higher genotype of red eyed fruit flies to white eyed fruit flies in the light exposed cage compared to the dark cage at the end of the experiment (Figure 1). The reasoning behind this conclusion, according to Reed, “the white allele is at a disadvantage compared to the red eyed allele because the fruit flies with red eyed ales have greater success with mating compared to white eyed ones” (Reed 34). The reasoning behind why there was a greater increase of red eyed phenotype in the cage was because the females could see the eye color of their mate, compared to in the dark cage, when they were not able to see their