That which follows are brief descriptions of eleven theorists whose works have influence classroom discipline practices. The kinds of thinking they represent was a departure from earlier, less thoughtful approaches. Each theorist offers a unique perspective on human behavior and the role of punishment in a classroom. While some of these theories are outdated, portions of them remain relevant and they have contributed to the work of our modern behavioral theorist.
Fritz Redl and William Wattenberg: Discipline through influencing group behavior
“Redl and Wattenberg argue that students behave differently in groups than individually. Groups assign roles and produce dynamics that affect the class’s behavior positively and negatively …show more content…
He categorized individuals into six stages of moral development and stated that some individuals can become trapped in a particular stage. Kohlberg’s view on punishment is very simple. He feels that it is necessary and relevant, for students will follow the rules set into place to avoid this punishment.
In respect to a standard based classroom in 2016, Kohlberg’s most useful ideas are that he recognizes that students can be stuck in a lower level of moral development and it can be used to determine a student’s level of moral development. On the contrary, Kohlberg is not a terrorist I would use in my classroom management plan, for his theories are heavily punishment based.
Jacob Kounin: Improving discipline through lesson management
Jacob Kounin’s view on behavior management is very simple poor teaching and lesson plans lead to bad behavior and vice versa. Kounin states that educators can improve behavior through lesson management. There is no place for punishment in Kounin’s behavior plan, for it is not the students fault if they misbehave. In his eyes, a teacher’s poor planning leads directly to her students’ bad …show more content…
When a student feels that they are not accepted by their social group, they feel the need to act out. He also encourages a democratic process in the classroom to promote the students’ involvement in their learning. Dreikurs believes in taking a preventative approach to misbehavior, but also promotes the use of logical consequences.
In respect to a standard based classroom in 2016, Dreikurs’ most useful concept is the relationship which his theory fosters between the students and the teacher. Teachers are more than simply blind punishers. They look at the action and the cause of the misbehavior as opposed to labeling the student. The least useful portion of Dreikurs’ theory is that students may not be truthful when explaining why they misbehaved and it may be difficult for the teacher to identify the true reason.
Lee and Marlene Canter: Discipline through assertive tactics
Lee and Marlene Canter believe that educators should try to catch students doing good deeds, set standardized rules and punishments, and have the expectations for all students. The Canters believe that there is a place for punishment in the classroom, but only if it is set in stone and standardized. These punishments should reflect rules that are cut and dry and posted for everyone to see. Rules are not meant to trick