Frankenstein Moral Development

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Throughout your live have you ever thought to look at the differences in maturity levels of all humans or the processes of which take place at each level of maturity? In the book Frankenstein written by Mary Shelly, the Creature displays many deviant behaviors related to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development; for example, the creature kills to get back at his creator, searches for love, and gradually moves through different stages of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. The first level in Kohlberg’s theory is the preconvention level. In this level you abide by rules and rewards in order to learn right from wrong. In an article call Lawrence Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, it states “Behavior is determined by consequences. The …show more content…
In this level, people develop the thought of rights for all humans. An article called Kohlberg’s Stages states, “individuals have natural or inalienable rights and liberties that are prior to society and must be protected by society” (Bailey 2). The depicts the thought that when humans are conceived and grow up, they develop rights that pertain to all humans. Although there are not many people who reach this stage, most that do “act out of universal principles based upon the equality and worth of all living beings” (Bailey 3). From all the previous stages leading up to this stage, the person has developed many traits that allow them to get a feel what types of rights all humans should have. Looking through the eyes of the Creature, it is much different. The Creature does not get to a stage where he develops principles of how each human should live. He only cares about his own wellbeing. The creature gives an example of deviant behavior when he says, “All speculations and hopes are as nothing, and like the archangel who aspired to omnipotence, chained in an eternal hell” (Shelly 194). Through all the stages the Creature has not given up his grudge of revenge, nor does he develop forgiveness. For that matter the Creature created in the book Frankenstein does not get to level three of Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development. Thought the book there are many adventures that lead the reader though many thoughts that are possessed in the Creatures mind. Everything from bad morals to great ones that are accepted and sought for by society. Society plays a huge part in deciding the way people should act, and that is no different when compared to what the Creature must go through. All in all, Mary Shelly gives us a great example of a character that goes through Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral

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