Positive And Negative Reinforcement Examples

Improved Essays
In Operant Conditioning some factual points that stood out to me were two-forms of positive and negative reinforcement and punishment. With the use of positive and negative reinforcement to increase or decrease a behavior could be rewarding in molding behaviors in most cases. With the use of operant conditioning, this could also be a great tool to use outside of the classroom. (Positive reinforcement) If a Childs (Behavior) is good during class (Consequence) a parent could praise them on it and treat them out, etc., for such good behavior at school and then (future behavior) the child would continue their progress of behaving in class. (Negative reinforcement) (Behavior) Child studies for a test and gets good grades (Consequence) parents …show more content…
A great example I can share from work is: A patient I work with has displayed undesirable behaviors because she wanted a soda on command. A plan was put in place to decrease the patient's undesirable behaviors and to reward the patient with a soda over time if the patient waits in intervals starting with 15 minutes then changed to 30 minutes and then to a set time every day. Since a plan to teach patience has been implemented into her treatment plan, her behavior to be patient for a soda has increased tremendously her undesirable behaviors have decreased. This was considered a positive reinforcement for this patient and her goal was exceeded to patiently wait for a soda. Even parents could benefit from operant conditioning when using positive or negative reinforcement when handling children and their behaviors. I do this just about every day with my twins. (Positive reinforcement) When they play together I praise them and talk to them about how nicely they are playing together. (Negative reinforcement) When they are playing together and not fighting I don’t interrupt them I allow them to play. (Punishment) When they are not playing so nicely together and cannot share an item, I remove the item and put it …show more content…
Other students can see and recognize and learn from each other's behaviors and learn what the consequences are. A good example used in the chapter was if students are placed in time out due to misbehaving with each other. Students are placed very close to each other and given a goal of working out their differences. What I liked about this is that the timeout was for both parties and both parties had to figure out a plan to behave better and have a discussion about their actions. Use of operant conditioning and behavioral analysis in the classroom can help manage different behaviors in the classroom when used

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