Frederick Douglass: From Slavery To Freedom

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Intellectuals often debate the concept as to whether life is linear or cyclical. The enthusiasts of the linear idea argue that life is progressive, path oriented, and ongoing; whereas supports of the cyclical theory insist that life entails a series of laboriously repetitive occurrences. Frederick Douglass, however, experienced a phenomenon where his predictable life in slavery was beautifully broadened due to one controlled factor. Without his work to achieve literacy, Douglass’s life would have been quite linear. He would have endured endlessly as a piece of property and his influence on abolition and human rights would have be lost. Frederick Douglass’s life was made infinitely spherical when he opened countless doors to freedom and justice …show more content…
It was a grand achievement, and I prized it highly. From that moment, I understood the pathway from slavery to freedom...I set out with high hope, and a fixed purpose, at whatever cost of trouble, to learn how to read.” Frederick Douglass never fought in a battle, but he revolutionized the abolition movement and engaged the world in a meaningful conversation about human rights. Due to Frederick Douglass’s work; speech, literacy, and opinion are honored as fundamental keys to success, diplomacy, and …show more content…
Multiple literacy foundations exist in order to diminish illiteracy levels. I, however, would like to explore a concept that would engage high risk youth in global conversation while encouraging students to hold intellectual interests. Students would have access to resources that would provide them with the tools to develop opinions about the world around them. Students would participate in reading comprehension seminars where literature would focus on world events. Additionally, they would be offered opportunities to serve their communities. The goal of this project would be to increase literacy in high risk communities, while creating engaged and community oriented

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