Frederick Douglass Rhetorical Strategies

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In Frederick Douglass's 1845 autobiography titled Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass An American Slave, Douglass stresses the miseries of the institution of slavery (as he recalled during the first six months of his stay with Mr Convey—his master). In his autobiography, Douglass addresses the toll that the institution of slavery had place on his “body, soul, and spirit” in which he explains to the ignorant Northern region of the United States, that the institution slavery is “hell” and degenerating. In his crusade in an attempt to end the institution of slavery, Douglass hopes to educate not only the North, but the entire world to realize slavery as a sinister practice. Through his use of barbaric diction, inhumane imagery, and dreary …show more content…
Because Douglass’s master’s house was a few rods of the Chesapeake Bay, Douglass repeatedly saw “beautiful [white] vessels” and sails from all around the world. And despite seeing joy in watching these vessels, Douglass saw himself to be less free than the vessel—an inanimate object. Douglass exclaimed “You are loosed from your moorings, and are free; I am fast in my chains, and am a slave!” Through the use of imagery that serves the purpose to show contrast between freedoms of a living human and an inanimate object, Douglass shows how this ship has more freedom than him, for the boat is being removed from its moorings and is allowed to roam the sea while Douglass and other slaves are to force to be restrained and confined to their shackles of slavery. With this imagery, Douglass manages to make appeal to logos by questioning how an non living thing can be more free than a person that was born and raised in …show more content…
Through his tone of dreadfulness, Douglass mentions how he seems helpless in a world where slavery exists in which he turns to God for help. Douglass claims “O God, save me! God, deliver me! Let me be free!” With these short yet loud and direct sentences, Douglass’ tone turns into desperation in which it can be described as despair. Douglass is going mad as he is restrained to “work, work, work” as a slave and subjection. The purpose of his plead to God is to show just how extremely Douglass loathes slavery and how he is willing to “be killed running as die standing”. This intensifies his narrative of the horrors of slavery and how slavery is

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