They talked to me of an organization called the Civilian Conservation Corps.” (Watson) Like Stanley, many individuals were plagued by their unemployment, many were forced to commit crimes in order to survive. Once Staley began working he had opened his mind to new ideals and by the end of his employment he realized what he wanted to be in life, “My dreams have been realized, thanks to an educational advisor and the lessons learned in the CCC” (Watson). He decided to pursue Psychology, Sociology, and Speech. As you can perfectly observe the CCC gave amazing opportunity to those who participated in it. Much like the CCC, FDR continued to set forth bills that helped America's people receive employment. The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was formed in 1935 and dissolved in 1943. This …show more content…
FDR was “step by step” taking over America by first, reorganizing the government, second supreme court revision, and lastly taking the position of the first American Dictator (Warren). This was thought because FDR's plan was to add more justices to the Supreme Court, the problem they had with this was that by doing this FDR would be pinpointing all the justices that were in favor of him and the result would allow him to do whatever he pleased in America because he had most of the votes on his side. However, this was not the case, FDR was trying to do this because he wanted to make the Supreme Court much more efficient and to gather more educated opinions about what he wanted to implement to help