The Beginning of Nursing Florence Nightingale was thought to have followed in the footsteps of her era by learning how to do needlework, lady …show more content…
She and her nurses brought remarkable improvement. The death rate of wounded soldiers soon dropped to an amazing 2.2 percent. By the end of the Crimean War the death rate was just one percent (Schlager and Lauer). While Nightingale worked endless nights caring for the soldiers, she was given the nickname ''the lady of the lamp'' because she roomed the corridors at night carrying a lamp. She looked after the soldiers making sure all their needs were met, and that the soldiers received pay for being sick. Nightingale made tremendous contributions in Scutari by raising money to help fund the war hospital, and for the kind love and sympathy that she showed for the weak in suffering. After the war was over in 1860, Nightingale founded the first nursing school in London named the Nightingale school in Saint Thomas Hospital which was also home for the