Ordeal is where the hero reaches the obstacle they have been journeying for, for so long. In this movie, the Ordeal is demonstrated when Dave is driving home and the boys pop up from the back seat. Dave’s goal was to get the chipmunks to come home and live with him, and when they appear in the back seat of his car, that is him getting what he had wanted. The next step of the Hero’s Journey is the Reward. Dave was rewarded with getting the boys to come home and live with him. The Road Back step of the Hero’s Journey is when they are returning back. In Alvin and the Chipmunks, this is demonstrated when Dave is driving him and the boys back to their house. Resurrection is another step that is used. What Resurrection means in the Hero’s Journey is that the hero has to become a master of two worlds. Dave has to become a master of having three talking chipmunks living in his home. Freedom to Live is another step of the Hero’s Journey that is used. Now that the chipmunks know how Ian really is, Dave does not have to worry about the chipmunks wanting to live with
Ordeal is where the hero reaches the obstacle they have been journeying for, for so long. In this movie, the Ordeal is demonstrated when Dave is driving home and the boys pop up from the back seat. Dave’s goal was to get the chipmunks to come home and live with him, and when they appear in the back seat of his car, that is him getting what he had wanted. The next step of the Hero’s Journey is the Reward. Dave was rewarded with getting the boys to come home and live with him. The Road Back step of the Hero’s Journey is when they are returning back. In Alvin and the Chipmunks, this is demonstrated when Dave is driving him and the boys back to their house. Resurrection is another step that is used. What Resurrection means in the Hero’s Journey is that the hero has to become a master of two worlds. Dave has to become a master of having three talking chipmunks living in his home. Freedom to Live is another step of the Hero’s Journey that is used. Now that the chipmunks know how Ian really is, Dave does not have to worry about the chipmunks wanting to live with