Mark Zuckerberg (the creator of Facebook) attends Harvard University. He got into a school where the students all got a 1600 on their SAT scores including him. Throughout the film, Mark is trying to figure out a way for him to stand out. The camera is always focused on him even when he is talking to other characters. The camera mostly always shows Mark in medium close up shots. When there are other characters …show more content…
Tan, she further analyzes how the opening scene and Marks personality. She writes about how the opening scene really sets the mood and ideas for the movie. She writes, “The audience learns through the character's’ body language and Fincher’s composition of the scene that Albright is at breaking point when talking to Zuckerberg.” This is important because the characters are more than their dialogue. This makes the audience much more involved since they are additionally drawn to the movie. She also writes about the relationship between Mark and his best friend, Eduardo Saverin. D. Tan noted that right after the breakup scene, “Zuckerberg progresses straight to his dorm room alone, not to find Saverin but to settle on his computer.” The beginning scene of the movie ends with Mark in a shot that makes him look alone because of the breakup he just went through with Jessica, the ending shot revives that feeling to the audience. Tan writes that this is done to give a “...visual atmosphere with the audience… so [they] can see and fully grasp the extent of Zuckerberg’s pain… Then she brings up how the director, Fincher, uses “mid shots, close ups and panning shots to demonstrate that Zuckerberg always seems to focus on the computer rather than his best friend.” This basically foreshadows how the movie is since Mark ends up screwing over Eduardo in the business. How Mark is so driven by his ambition that he doesn't care who he hurts along the way as long …show more content…
He notices that the movie is very fast paced. He backs this up by pointing out in the film that there are hardly any breaks in dialogue. In the Metaplex article, he writes, “The longest number of seconds between dialogue could probably be counted on one hand…” This is done to add tension to the movie. This is showcased in the opening scene where Mark and Erika are having a very fast conversation. This really proves that the opening scene of a film is one of the most crucial scene to the movie as a whole and that it doesn't only set up the movie for the audience but also can foreshadow the entire