Figurative Language In The Town Dup

Improved Essays
Trash, to many, holds worthless values that are not worthy of the time on the shelf, but the undiscovered beauty holds the magic that only a special eye can see. In “The Town Dump” by Howard Nemerov and “The Town Dump” by Wallace Stegner, the authors share the same ability to notice the beauty within wasted products. While in “On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner captures the flaws within society from the materials they throw away. Although the author’s share similar interests in the topic of trash, they all use different forms of figurative language to display their points of view. Those who look at dumpsters as places that hold useless trash lack the understanding of how to discover beauty in everything. Nemerov and Stegner share a common skill of being able to find that beauty, but Eighner focuses more on the people who …show more content…
He uses many different forms of figurative language throughout his piece of writing such as parallelism, imagery, and metaphors. He focuses on the descriptions of the people who throw the trash away, and he has a negative views on most people. He reaches this point that has a tone of pity for the people who don’t live off of the necessities because he is able to recognize the necessities to live and not waste time on the other products. Unlike the other authors who find beauty in trash, he finds the useful products and leaves the other alone. The authors share the same idea for their pieces of writing, but they display their opinions differently because of their points of view. Stegner and Nemerov share the same view that beauty can be found in every piece, but Eighner looks at the cause of the amount of waste. These essays are all connected through the central idea, but there are endless ways to show it. Trash is open for all judgements, good or bad, and these opinions can be shown in all different

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