The interpersonal level has influenced my participation in netball by the people I am surrounded by. The people that have influenced and inspired me to play netball are my friends and family. The reasons why I decided to play netball was because quite a few of my close friends were playing and my mum played netball when she was younger. My mum’s positive values of netball have been transferred to me. Netball is the perfect sport for me to socialise with my friends and keep fit and healthy. On regular occasions my friends share the driving to and from netball which enables better access and opportunities to play. Having my family provide sporting opportunities for me and both friends and family supporting and encouraging me has increased my participation in …show more content…
This is a major barrier that many teenagers face but what most teenagers don’t realise is that research has indicated that teenagers who participate in sports perform academically better than teenagers who do not participate in sports (Goodes, 2015). Therefore Goodes infers that there is a link between teenagers who play sport and an increase in academic outcomes. A suggestion for this could be that these students need to be able to organise their time more effectively in order to negotiate both sporting activities and academics. Sport forces teenagers to organize their time so that they can both go to practice and finish their homework. The key is finding a balance and the best way to do this is to use a weekly planner. This recommendation has been proven to be extremely beneficial as it helps you to organise how much spare time you have. After seeing that you have a couple of free hours each week, that time could be used to play a sport such as netball. From my own personal experience I know that this works as I was planning on not playing club netball as I thought I didn’t have enough time but after using the planner I realised I did have time to fit it in and I’m glad I decided to