Milkman and Terriquez spoke of “female consciousness,” or feminista, as another reason for more Latina women being involve in immigrant rights movement as leaders. More often than not, feminism in America is geared towards White women more than minority groups, so groups like Chicana, created the feminista movement to be a support group for Latina. This became the campground for Latin women to raise awareness in their communities (and fellow communities) to fight for minority women’s rights, which further spreads like …show more content…
Fine’s article defined to the readers what worker centers do, their tactics to fight against exploitation of non-White foreign workers, and how they manage to get these workers the benefits that they deserve. Fine wrote that these worker centers work because they are not rigid organization/community, but fluid, “Worker centers are hybrids that combine elements of different types of organizations–from political parties, settlement houses, immigrant civic organizations, community organizations and social movement groups to unions, feminist consciousness-raising organizations, and producer coops.” Because they serve the communities a variety of services and have loyal members, who are advocating on their behalf, it further spreads the knowledge and protect the non-White foreign immigrant workers from being abused by the corporations, or any despicable employers. Overall, the articles touched upon why Latina immigrant women in the US are currently leading the immigrant rights and the labor movement. It was through these two articles that we can see how much immigrants have to struggle just to get a better life. The parents and grandparents would sacrifice everything they have just so that the future generations would have a better life than they did, and it all starts with education, being united as a group, and educating themselves