Feminism And Capitalism Essay

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Feminism and Capitalism—two that has been subjects of debates persistently with numerous perspectives throughout history. Both is common with the terms that it has presented the famous theories by idyllic figures as well as caused the rise of violence. However, neither this political philosophy nor the feminist theory examines the affects of capitalism on individuals such as women. So, is capitalism a valuable ideal as an actual existing economic social system, good for women?
As an opposing side on this subject, I must begin by clarifying “capitalism” in order to classify possible societies (specifically, feminism) that does not fit under this term. Capitalism was introduced in the nineteenth century, termed as an “[a] system in which a country’s
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Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is just one of countless individuals with this idea; He believes women should stop asking for a raise and instead wait for “good karma”. Particularly, he states, “It’s not really about asking for a raise, but knowing and having faith that the system will give [women] the right raise” (TIME magazine). In Dr. Claudia Godin, a Harvard professor, research has shown that in the financial services women earn 66 percent of the earnings of their male counterparts. For part time employees, the gender pay gap is -5.5%, that is to say women working part-time are paid more than their male equivalents on average” (“Closing the Gender Pay Gap”). To alleviate this problem further, there has been multiple arguments upon this subject, such as to give flexible work hours for working mothers, fathers/husbands should be more involved in helping at home more, abolish the belief that women do better than school (instead, perhaps, actually aid males to exceed in subjects) etc.; Overall, great arguments with its advantages and disadvantages and it has yet to meet fair solutions to solve the actual issues. Aside, overcoming sexism is more than giving emphasis on equal pay, alone; it is essential and …show more content…
Bell Hooks (also known as Gloria Jean Watkins, a feminist and social activist) suggested that the paid equal wages and/or employed to ‘higher jobs’ reflects a “bourgeois class bias”; It does not advocate the wants and needs of all individuals. Both genders and underrepresented groups are at a disadvantage and are structurally limited to certain employment opportunities, high pay and ultimately restricted to a specific lifestyle. Even if one aspires to do be the CEO in a company like Microsoft or Apple Inc., the likelihood for it being given to an individual, regardless of gender, from a working-class in society is slim, in comparison to an upper-class, elite individual whose relative power will allow him to ascend easily to the top.
In addition, historically, feminists’ main motive was to remove and oppose against inequality. Feminism is thus incompatible with capitalism, as this is a system that compounds and exacerbates such inequality. It is, simply put, a system that requires inequality for it to thrive and function effectively. Increasing wealth would not eliminate this discrimination, but instead will exacerbate it, as individuals

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